Bokken, training sword with optimized handle
Bokken training sword made of polypropylene
Optimized 2015 version with cord-wound handle
- Bokken, 2015 model with optimized handle
- Material: Polypropylen
- Total length: approx. 105.4 cm
- Blade length: approx. 76.2 cm
- Blade thickness: approx. 25 mm
- Handle length: approx. 29.2 cm
- Weight: approx. 564 g
Centuries ago, the best swordsmen in the world were already aware of this simple wisdom: to become a reasonably good swordsman, one should make an effort to learn the appropriate fighting techniques, footwork and basic stances. But to become a master of sword fighting, one also needs to train with a sharp edged weapon.
If your goal is to handle a razor-sharp blade safely and effectively, you should first practice with a sword that has approximately the size, weight and feel of a real, sharp weapon, but has the advantage that it is difficult to seriously injure yourself or your training partner.
This idea was already practiced by the ancient Romans, who used blunt wooden swords to train their gladiators and soldiers in sword fighting. And the Japanese samurai also used wooden practice swords called bokken . The bokken was made from an extremely hard wood called kashi (white oak). These wooden swords are a clever solution to an annoying problem and so effective that they are still used today. Authentic bokken made from Japanese hardwood are quite expensive, however. And another disadvantage is that a wooden sword can naturally rot, crack, chip or splinter. This means that it will sooner or later become unusable.
Cold Steel's solution was to develop adequate replacements made of synthetic material - almost unbeatable in terms of price and very resistant to the elements. All products in Cold Steel's training weapon collection are made of the highest quality polypropylene. They are astonishingly similar to their real counterparts in terms of length, weight and handling. These training weapons are not as rigid as wooden swords and also have the decisive advantage of being almost unbreakable, extraordinarily hard and cut-resistant.
The Japanese training swords from Cold Steel are modeled on the world-famous swords from the Warrior series . Their wide blades have the same flowing lines as the Warrior swords, but are made of extremely tough polypropylene and have neither sharp edges nor sharp points. With adequate protective equipment, they are ideal for sparring and training, as well as for conditioning drills and Palus training.
Each model also features a handle that closely mimics the traditional cord wrap and ensures excellent control even with thick gloves. These swords offer the modern martial artist above-average training potential.